Friday, 28 October 2011

(Established under Govt. of Haryana Act . No. 29 of 2006)
Ref. No. DCRUST/Conduct/3606-3627                                                                      Dated :  15.10.2011
All Colleges affiliated to DCRUST Murthal

Subject: -          To supply the list of students admitted in 1st year during session 2011-12.
                        Kindly supply the list of students of UG & PG courses for the various examinations to be held in Dec 2011-Jan 2012. Complete information may be submitted strictly in the format attached as per schedule given below:-
Last date for submission of list of students with normal Exam fee Rs.  3000/- per student.
Last date for submission with late fee Rs. 500/- per student.
Last date for submission with late fee Rs. 1000/- per student.
  1. Keep the Excel File name as per your College ID. Different Sheets be used for different program’s and keep the sheet name as per program code.
  2. Scanned colored Passport size Photographs of the students should be in JPEG format(200dpi). The file name of the scanned photograph should be the roll number of the student.
  3. All data should be in one folder. Keep the folder name as per your college ID.
  4. The above soft data should be furnished on a CD to the programmer, EDP Centre and hard copy each page of which dully signed by Director/Principal to A.R(Conduct) of the university latest by 31 Oct. 2011.
  5. Exam Fee should be deposited in the shape of DD in favour of Registrar payable at SBI, DBCR University of Science & Technology, Murthal, Sonepat.
                It may be treated as most urgent.
DA = As above                                                                  
                                                                                                               Asstt. Registrar (conduct)
                                                                                           For   Controller of Examinations              
Endst. No. DCRUST/Conduct/  3628-3632                                                               Dated:-15.10.2011
                A copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:-
  1. Dean of Colleges, Deenbandhu  Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology Murthal
  2.  Controller of Finance,  Deenbandhu  Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology Murthal
  3. Head Computer centre with the request to up load this Notice/Format on the University website.
  4. Brach Manager SBI, DCRUST, Murthal.
  5. P.A to COE (for kind information of Controller of Examinations)
                                                Asstt. Registrar (conduct)
                                                                                                    For   Controller of Examinations

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