M.Sc. (Chemistry)
Theory of Gases: Kinetic theory
of gases. Van der Waals equation and applications, Maxwell-
distribution law, critical phenomena.
Reversible and irreversible processes, First law and its application toideal
and nonideal gases, Thermochemistry, Second law, Entropy and free energy,
Criteria for
Third law and its application.
Chemical and
Phase Equilibria:
Law of mass action, Kp , Kc, Kx and Kn , Effect of temperatureon K, Ionic
equilibria in solutions, pH and buffer solutions, Hydrolysis, Solubility
product,Clausius-Clapeyron Equation, Phase equilibria–Phase rule and its application
to one-component andtwo-component systems, Colligative properties.
Electrochemistry: Conductance
and its applications, Transport number, Galvanic cells, EMF andFree energy,
Concentration cells with and without transport. Conductometric and potentiometrictitration.
Reactions of zero, 1st, 2nd and 3rd order, Arrhenius equation, Collision
theory,Theory of absolute reaction rate, Enzyme kinetics.
Mechanics: Black-body
radiation, Plank’s radiation law, photoelectric effect, heat
capacity of
solids, Compton effect, Schrodinger Equation, wave function and its
42 postulates of
quantum mechanics, quantum mechanical operators, commutation relations, Role
ofoperators in quantum mechanics, Particle in one dimensional box.
Spectroscopy: Electromagnetic
radiation, regions of spectrum, basic features of
statement of Born-oppenheimer approximation, Degrees of freedom. Elementary
ideaof Rotational (rigid rotor), Vibrational (harmonic & anharmonic oscillator)
and Raman Spectra ofsimple diatomic molecules.
Atomic Structure: Fundamental
particles. Bohr's theory of hydrogen atom, Wave-particle duality,Uncertainty
principles, Schrodinger's wave equation, Quantum numbers, shapes of orbitals,
Hund's rule and Pauli's exclusion principle.
Periodic classification of elements and periodicity in properties, Atomic and ionic
radii, ionization energy, electron affinity and electronegativity – definition,
methods of
determination or
evaluation, trends in periodic table (in s & p block elements).
Chemical Bonding
and Shapes of Compounds: Types of bonding, Valence Bond Theory and
Orbital theory of diatomic molecules, VSEPR theory and shapes of molecules,
dipole moment.
Solid State: Ionic structures
(NaCl, CsCl, ZnS (Zinc Blende), CaF2, diamond, graphite etc.) radius ratio
rule, lattice defects, lattice energy and Born-Haber cycle.
Hard and Soft
Acids and Bases:
Classification of acids and bases as hard and soft. Pearson's
HSAB concept,
acid-base strength and hardness and softness, Symbiosis,Liquid NH3 as nonaquesous
Main Group
Elements (s and p blocks): Chemistry with emphasis on group relationship and
gradation in
properties, structure of electron deficient compounds of main group elements
application of
main group elements (s & p-block including noble gases).
Chemistry of d
& f-block elements: Characteristics of 3d elements, oxide, hydroxide
and salts of first row transition metals, General properties of lanthanides and
Chemistry: Nomenclature
and stereochemistry, VB and Crystal Field theoretical
approaches for
structure & bonding, colour (electronic spectra) and magnetic properties of
transition metal
complexes. Thermodynamic and Kinetic Aspects of Metal Complexes
Definition, nomenclature and classification of organometallic
Preparation, properties, bonding and applications of alkyls and aryls of Li,
AI, Hg, Sn and Ti, metal-ethylenic complexes and homogeneous hydrogenation,
mononuclear carbonyls and the nature of bonding in metal carbonyls.
Organomagnesium compounds: the Grignard reagents - formation, structure and
chemical reactions. Organozinc compounds: formation and chemical reactions.
Chemistry: Essential
and trace elements in biological processes, metallo-porphyrins with special
reference to haemoglobin and myoglobin. Biological role of alkali and alkaline
earth metal ions with special reference to Ca2+. Nitrogen Fixation.
Qualitative and
quantitative Analysis: Basic theory of volumetric titrations (acid-base,
precipitation), Salt analysis (detection of acid and basic radicals)
Basic Concepts
in Organic Chemistry and Stereochemistry : Isomerism and nomenclature,
electronic (
resonance and inductive ) effects. Optical isomerism in compounds containing
one and two asymmetric centers, designation of absolute configuration,
conformations of cyclohexanes.
Organic Reaction
Mechanism and Synthetic Applications: Methods of preparation and reactions of
alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, arenes and their simple functional derivatives,
alcohols, ethers , phenols, aldehydes , ketones, carboxylic acid and carboxylic
acid derivatives. Mechanism and synthetic applications of electrophilic
aromatic substitution. Stereochemistry and mechanism of aliphatic nucleophilic
substitution and elimination reactions.Diels – Alder reactions, Wittig 43 Reactions,
Mechanism of aldol condensation, Claisen condensation, esterification and ester
hydrolysis, Cannizzaro reaction, benzoin condensation. Perkin reaction, Claisen
rearrangement, Beckmann rearrangement and Wagner – Meerwein rearrangement.
Introduction to
the following classes of compounds – Carbohydrates, Amino Acids, Peptides,
Proteins and
Nucleic Acids, Fats, Oils and Detergents
Chemistry : Furans,
thiophenes, pyrrols and pyridines.
Organic Analysis : Functional
group interconversions, structural problems using
reactions, identification of functional groups by chemical tests. Spectroscopy-